Student Parliament and AStA Election of 2024
10.12. 10am-6pm
11.12. 10am-6pm
12.12. 10am-4 pm
please bring you student ID to vote (small grey piece of paper saying: Student Identity Card)
12.12.24 at 6pm in R11
All students welcome!
︎︎︎[election program-ENG]
Election of StuPa
Aula Foyer10.12. 10am-6pm
11.12. 10am-6pm
12.12. 10am-4 pm
please bring you student ID to vote (small grey piece of paper saying: Student Identity Card)
StuPa session
[Election of the AStA]12.12.24 at 6pm in R11
All students welcome!
︎︎︎[election program-ENG]